P Gillespie and son Stonework
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Drystone walls  
Ardbeg Distillery drystone wall A nice example of tall and standard drystone walls at Ardbeg Distillery on Islay.
Ardbeg bridge path and wall A very nice example of a bridge path and wall for Ardbeg distillery by P Gillespie and son.
Ardbeg road wall Drystone wall along the public road near Ardbeg using the old stone to blend it in with the remains origanal wall.
Ardbeg drystone seat A nice drystone seat near the enterance to ardbeg distillery built by P Gillespie and son of argyll.
Ardbeg trafic island Drystone Seat and trafic Island near Ardbeg distillery Ardbeg.
Ardfin No8 drystone wall NW end of fairway looking down a very nice well constructed wall for Ardfin golf.
Ardfin No8 new wall Work in progress new wall at Ardfin No8 fairway.
Ardfin No8 new wall corner Image of corner of wall over looking the sea.
Ardfin wall to No8 Wall down to No8 and beach.
Ardfin No13 drystone wall Drystone wall along burn at No 13 green Ardfin golf Jura.
Ardfin sheep flank Three images showing a almost invisable repair to drystone wall.
Ardfin ditch culvet Dry stone culvet Early stages showing foundation stones.
Ardfin culvet ditch Dry stone culvet and bridge almost finished.
Ardfin curved wall A nice curved wall following a new road.
Ardfin wall over looking sea A very nice wall over looking the sea next to burn.
Lagavulin croft house wall A derelect old drystone wall restored to its former glory.
A private house wall A domestic drystone wall bordering a road on a steep hill Oban.
Drystone Bridges  
Jura Ardfin golf No 8 Bridge Three images showing the very impresive drystone bridge and wall at Ardfin golf built by P Gillespie and son stonework.
Construction of No 8 Bridge Early stages of construction of No 8 bridge for Ardfin golf.
No 8 bridge early stages Early stages of construction of No 8 bridge for Ardfin golf looking South.
Small bridge Ardfin golf A small bridge betwean No 7 green leading to No 8 tees.
Small bridge Ardfin looking South A small bridge betwean No 7 green leading to No 8 tees.
Tunnberry bridge steel work A medium sized bridge at Turnberry golf showing iron work.
Tunnberry bridge compleated The finished bridge at Turnberry golf.
Dry stone Garden Features  
Drystone seat Drystone seat feature that would complement any garden.
Hot tub A rather unusual Drystone Wood fuel hot tub a very nice addition for the garden.
Small Garden steps and wall A very nice example of a small domestic drystone wall and drystone garden .steps.
Compost bays Drystone compost bins/bays a practical and usefull addition to any garden.
Ardfin Garden pillars Drystone pillars enterance to the old orchard garden.
Dry stone Steps  
Wall and drystone steps Kilhoan estate kilmelford new retaining wall with stone steps.
Drystone steps Three images showing examples of drystone steps on the Island of Easdale.
Retaining walls  
Ardfin retaining wall A retaining wall at the pitch and put for Ardfin golf isle of Jura.
Retaining wall next to burn Showing a curved retaining wall on a bend of a small burn.
House and buildings  
Red stone house A very unusual but nice round dwelling house with a stunning round red wall by
P Gillespie and Son.
Restored stone house A very old croft house on the Isle of Colinsay the stone work restored to its former glory a realy nice example of stone work at its finest by P Gillespie and son.
No 17 culvet Drystone culvet/Ditch and bridges.
Victorian Glass house Restoration of victorian glass house.
Islay stone porch A new porch clad with stone on the isle of Islay